Last week Learning Network NZ had the pleasure of bringing Professor Guy Claxton back to NZ in order to enable you as teachers the chance to review how you can effectively "raise achievement & build character" within your busy classroom environment.

By all accounts it
was a successful tour, apart from poor Guy having a ghastly flu.
Each venue was at full capacity, all the attendee's that I had the pleasure of coming into
contact with, really enjoyed the intensity of the day and felt inspired to be there.
The content Guy shared and projected was both powerful and practical, enabling the attendee's to take away some know how and keep sake strategies to apply within
the busy classroom/school environment.
Essentially Guy
enabled school practitioners to gain more confidence and know how on how
to apply "Building Learning Power" more successfully within their individual environment!
The content Guy shared and projected was both powerful and practical, enabling the attendee's to take away some know how and keep sake strategies to apply within the busy classroom/school environment.
As Guy suggests, this
can be gained by implementing gradual, cumulative adjustments within the class around some of the following key shifts:
language used within the classroom,
Timetable adjustments
Implementing "a coaching culture"
Investing in teaching methods
Cumulatively gaining long term results!
Timetable adjustments
Implementing "a coaching culture"
Investing in teaching methods
Cumulatively gaining long term results!
1) The Learning Powered School –
Pioneering 21st Century Education, by Guy Claxton & Bill
2) Educating Ruby -
What our Children really need to learn, By Guy Claxton & Bill Lucus
3) How Children Succeed -
Grit, Curiosity & the Hidden Power of Character, by Paul Tough
4) Challenging Learning -
James Nottingham (*the learning Pit that Guy referred to) -also visiting NZ
"one day only" 24 June.
2) Educating Ruby - What our Children really need to learn, By Guy Claxton & Bill Lucus
3) How Children Succeed - Grit, Curiosity & the Hidden Power of Character, by Paul Tough
4) Challenging Learning - James Nottingham (*the learning Pit that Guy referred to) -also visiting NZ "one day only" 24 June.