Where are the originals? They're a bit blogged down...
Here was I thinking it was a brilliant idea; rounding up the original board members to get their perspective on how things have changed within the education sector (and at Learning Network NZ) over the last 20 years.
Everyone was keen ... but then ... silence. So obviously my timing is out (busy busy term four / lead up to Christmas etc). Anyway, here's a solution! I stumbled across this letter written by Mark Treadwell (original CEO of WEAC / LNNZ) back in '95. Same issues, same challenges, same aims, even some (or one) of the same staff members! It's worth a read.
My how things have changed!
Here's something I read in the
Ministry of Education's NZ Education System Overview: "All aspects
of education in New Zealand have undergone transformation in the past two
decades, including the areas of governance, curriculum,
assessment, qualifications, and teaching and learning".
That's a power of change. And
it got me thinking. Two decades is precisely how long Learning Network NZ
has been around. Twenty years as a not-for-profit organisation, and still going
strong in what can only be described as a radically different landscape. So what’s the secret to LNNZ’s
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Rummaging through the archives,
I can only guess that it’s been a readiness to move with the tide while
remaining true to vision - which (more or less) is to provide quality professional
development, resources and support to NZ educators nationwide. Interesting that my delve into the history books revealed that the story being told in 1992 is pretty much what we are saying today. Which has sparked an idea; what if we were to round up a few of the ‘originals’ (i.e. the first board and staff members of Learning Network NZ – or WAEC as it was known back then) and see what they have to say? Invite them to do a ‘guest blog’ and turn it into a series for your reading pleasure over the next few months. Could make for fascinating reading (all I have to do is convince them to do it!). I’ll keep you posted on that one... In the meantime, I will leave you with one of our latest ads. This not only provides you with the visual element I promised last time, but also reaffirms my ramblings above. - Danielle
Our blog's back!
Ok, so I know our blog has been quiet (too quiet) over the
past few months – but hey, I’m the new girl here and it’s taken me awhile to get
my head around what Learning Network
NZ is all about. Now that I have (and
while it’s still fresh and new), here are a few things I’d like to share...
Did you know that Learning
Network NZ is a not-for-profit organisation? Seriously! It’s not about the
money, it’s about the love. Clearly we have to remain profitable in order to continue to offer our excellent
professional learning, support and networking services to you all... but in the
end, our bottom line is about giving back, rather than raking it in. Cool!
Also, did you know that Learning
Network NZ has been around for 20 years now? Apparently (as the story goes)
back in 1992 a group of passionate, very committed Principals got together and
decided they wanted to establish an organisation that would provide quality
professional learning support and networking opportunities for educators in the
West Auckland region.
That’s exactly what they did – and as a result, from humble
beginnings (working out of a pre-fab classroom at the back of New Lynn Primary
School as the ‘West Auckland Education Centre’) an
institution was born. Not
only has Learning Network NZ changed location a few times and rebranded, it’s
also grown and developed over the years, responding to the evolving needs of
the wider educational community, and moving on from one-off isolated courses to
more in-depth support nationwide. Our services and our relationships and
networks with local, national and international educators have gone from
strength to strength, and today we’re seen as one of the most innovative and trusted providers of professional learning in New Zealand.
(Personally I am quite taken with this ‘little
history’ - I love the fact that things have changed HUGELY over the years, yet
the fundamental reason for LNNZ’s being remains the same.)
Lastly, did you know that the team here at Learning Network NZ is awesome? I have to say it’s great to be working with such a smart, up-beat, humorous, thoughtful and caring group of people. With the amount of work that gets done you’d think there were 50 busy bods running the place, not just five.
Keep an eye out for more musings coming your way soon. I promise (now I'm in the swing of things) I'll not leave it as long before the next one! - Danielle
(PS: I also promise I'll work out how to embed a picture or two, to make it more interesting...)
Reasons .... or excuses? Guest post by John Shackleton
Ask any of the delegates at the NZAIMS (NZ Association of Intermediate and Middle Schooling) Conference in May what the highlight was, and they are likely to reply, "John Shackleton!" - he was a real hit. John spends a lot of time in the corporate and sporting world, but his messages around leadership, coaching and teamwork really hit home for educators too.
So we thought we'd share some of his pearls of wisdom - thanks John! This article ties in nicely with the upcoming Olympics. And if you'd like to see more of John, check him out at the APPA Senior Leadership Conference on our YouTube channel and contact Faye Hauwai to talk about getting him along to work with your school, cluster or association.
Do you ever find yourself making excuses? by John Shackleton
So we thought we'd share some of his pearls of wisdom - thanks John! This article ties in nicely with the upcoming Olympics. And if you'd like to see more of John, check him out at the APPA Senior Leadership Conference on our YouTube channel and contact Faye Hauwai to talk about getting him along to work with your school, cluster or association.
Do you ever find yourself making excuses? by John Shackleton
spent most of my teenage years in a swimming pool training to become an
international swimmer but I never managed to achieve my ambition. Over and over
again I would lose the races that counted by fractions of seconds and so I
never got the selection call-up. Now, at that time I knew the logical reasons why I wasn’t making it – they
were obvious. I wasn’t tall enough, my hands and feet weren’t big enough and, of
course, I didn’t have the natural talent that every top swimmer had!
retired from competitive swimming at the tender age of 19 and became a coach but
it wasn’t until my late twenties that I started to realise that the reasons that I always used to explain
my own lack of success were the same as those used by many of the swimmers I
was coaching. Swimmers that I thought had everything they needed to become
internationals were using almost exactly the same language as I used to, to
explain why they didn’t succeed. Almost 10 years after I retired from swimming
I started to understand that those things I had said to myself back then were
not reasons at all, they were excuses.
when I look back on those days I can see that I had everything I needed to
succeed except perhaps the most vital thing of all - self-belief. That lack of
self-belief was what caused me to think negatively and expect to fail. Because
of the way in which our brains work, once you expect to fail you will start to
take the actions that will lead towards that failure and, if you never change
those negative thought processes, you’ll end up getting just what you expected
in the first place - failure. The only way I could justify to myself my
constant lack of success was to give other people reasons why I had failed (or should I say excuses). Nobody could have
argued with the fact that I wasn’t tall enough or that my hands and feet were
too small as far as I could see. Both
were irrelevant (although not in my head) but extremely convenient facts of
life that I could not change. And as for natural talent – can anyone really explain
what that might be? Looking back I can
see that, at the time, I found it especially easy to ignore the superstars that
did not possess those attributes I had decided were causing me to fail because
they would have disproved my ideas!
only saw these wonderful truths when I started to study sports psychology and
discovered the connection between performance and self-belief. When our
self-belief is low our performance will reflect it and we will underachieve. If
we can raise our self-belief we will start to expect success and will therefore
take the actions that lead to that success. If you play golf you will know
exactly what I mean. For most of us, standing on the first tee, about to take
our first shot of the day, with a few other people watching us, will cause enough stress to enable our
self-belief to come under attack and start off those little voices of self
doubt. Those voices question our skill level, remind us of our recent failures
and constantly focus our minds on what other people might think if we don’t
perform to our ability. Those voices help us to find excuses for a poor
performance. This is true of everything we do in life, not just in our sporting
activities. Our performance in anything that is critical to what we define as success,
is affected in the same way by our self-belief.
the most difficult thing in this whole cycle is knowing when we are suffering from low self-belief. Others can
usually tell by watching or listening to us perform but we often don’t realise
ourselves until it is too late and we are already on the path towards failure.
But there is help at hand and it is those wonderful excuses that we love to use that can be the evidence we need to
indicate to us that our self-belief is beginning to struggle. Next time you give someone a reason why you can’t do something, or a
reason why you did not succeed, or a
reason why something is impossible,
ask yourself this question: Is this really a reason or is it just an excuse?
You’ll need to consider things carefully and to be totally honest with yourself
but if you find yourself making excuses rather
than providing truly valid reasons then
you know that something is wrong. It is your self-belief and it needs
I was 35 one of the athletes I was coaching suggested that I should start practicing
what I was preaching. “If you think that
good self-belief is what we need in order to succeed, then why don’t you prove
it to all of us? Get back in the water yourself and start swimming again”. Well,
I chose to accept the challenge and, to cut a long story short, I’m swimming
faster today at 52 than I was in my teenage years and I’m breaking National Masters
records. I am training a lot less than I was back then, but I am believing in
myself a whole lot more and that’s what is making the difference to my
performance. Nowadays I find it easier to take on challenges with a positive
outlook and if I ever feel like I am starting to make excuses about my
performance, I work on my self-belief until I feel I can cope again.
you find yourself making excuses, it is a great sign that your self-belief is
under attack. At that point don’t spend your energy looking for reasons why you
can’t cope but work on your self-belief - it will always lead to success.
John Shackleton
How green is your teaching thumb?
The dust is settling after our mid-year 'Cultivating the 21st Century Fluencies' Conference, so I wanted to share a few of the nuggets we picked up from our great presenters.
Lee Crockett opened the conference with 'Literacy is not enough', and reminded us that today's workforce is made up primarily of creative jobs - most traditional white-collar jobs can now be outsourced or computerised. So cultivating creativity in our students is key; there was standing-room only at his creativity workshop! Lee also stressed the importance of multi-sensory learning experiences for our young learners. Lee is back for a two-day institute in 2013 - check it out here.
Tony Ryan shared his thoughts on 'The Art of the Extraordinary', inviting us to push beyond our comfort zones and stretch our limits. If you knew you couldn't fail, how much closer to the edge would you work at? Tony's strong sense of social justice always shines through and reminds us that, as teachers, you really can make a difference. He challenged us to 'write our own eulogy - and then live it'. That's a sure fire way to aim for the best!
Kath Murdoch explored curiosity - what is it, why is it so important and how can we cultivate it in our students? She shared some cool websites including wonderopolis (they send you a daily wondering) and The Literacy Shed (plus lots of other sheds!) - great collections of resources, blogs and links. Also, check out Kath's recent blog post on Inquire Within.
As well as these great keynote speakers there were over 40 workshops spanning e-learning, literacy, maths, thinking and more - all with a focus on preparing students for life, study and work in the 21st century. Delegates went digital, accessing notes and presentations via QR codes (see picture).
See you all next year for 'It's a Learners' World: Mapping a new Landscape' on 25 & 26 July 2013. Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Lee Crockett and Joan Dalton are all confirmed plus many more to be added.
Lee Crockett opened the conference with 'Literacy is not enough', and reminded us that today's workforce is made up primarily of creative jobs - most traditional white-collar jobs can now be outsourced or computerised. So cultivating creativity in our students is key; there was standing-room only at his creativity workshop! Lee also stressed the importance of multi-sensory learning experiences for our young learners. Lee is back for a two-day institute in 2013 - check it out here.
Tony Ryan shared his thoughts on 'The Art of the Extraordinary', inviting us to push beyond our comfort zones and stretch our limits. If you knew you couldn't fail, how much closer to the edge would you work at? Tony's strong sense of social justice always shines through and reminds us that, as teachers, you really can make a difference. He challenged us to 'write our own eulogy - and then live it'. That's a sure fire way to aim for the best!
Kath Murdoch explored curiosity - what is it, why is it so important and how can we cultivate it in our students? She shared some cool websites including wonderopolis (they send you a daily wondering) and The Literacy Shed (plus lots of other sheds!) - great collections of resources, blogs and links. Also, check out Kath's recent blog post on Inquire Within.
As well as these great keynote speakers there were over 40 workshops spanning e-learning, literacy, maths, thinking and more - all with a focus on preparing students for life, study and work in the 21st century. Delegates went digital, accessing notes and presentations via QR codes (see picture).
See you all next year for 'It's a Learners' World: Mapping a new Landscape' on 25 & 26 July 2013. Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Lee Crockett and Joan Dalton are all confirmed plus many more to be added.
Literacy is Not Enough
At the recent annual Hawker Brownlow Thinking and Learning conference in Melbourne we have
been listening to experts present on not only thinking and learning but
leadership, assessment, and strategies to engage students.
There were many wonderful presenters, but the stand out presenter of the conference would have to be Lee Crockett
* what this is going to look like for the students of the future?
* how do we teach 21st century skills to the students ?
Lee’s presentation style is passionate and engaging.
Here's what he has to say about the 21st century fluencies.
Read more about these fluencies in his new book "Literacy is Not Enough".
Here's what he has to say about the 21st century fluencies.
Read more about these fluencies in his new book "Literacy is Not Enough".
Learning Network NZ is thrilled to have Lee present at our “Cultivating 21st Century Fluencies” conference on 2/3 July 2012 where he will share 21st century skills that will help students be successful learners for the future.
Different Learners , Different Needs
In the 21st Century global village our children
need to be able to achieve on a worldwide stage. This requires teachers to
recognise that students have different needs and different interests, and must
be taught in a myriad of different ways.
You need to consider things like :
The learning
styles and modalities of individual students.
pace of learning and the amount of time it takes to accomplish a task.
implications when dealing with school achievement.
of ability and /or readiness.
different ways to assess what students have learned.
When teachers can
look at individual students, see their needs and plan appropriately to meet
these needs, achievement happens. On the other hand, when teachers see students
only as "members of my class" there is little individualised
instruction and therefore success in learning is harder to achieve.
The good news is that
there are many strategies teachers can use to differentiate their instruction.
The best approach is to become familiar with a number of these strategies and
decide which ones work best considering your students, your teaching style and
the learning environment of your school.
Some examples of these strategies can be found in Carolyn’s book, Successful Teaching in the Differentiated Classroom
Some tips from Carolyn to get you started...
Teachers sometimes become overwhelmed because there are so many strategies for differentiation and therefore do nothing at all.
2. Consult and plan with at least one other teacher
Decide on approach that will work for you and try something. Then get together to assess what worked and what didn't.
3. Engage in professional learning
Find opportunities to learn more about differentiation, either attend a course, read a book or find online offerings.
4. Approach differentiation both vertically and horizontally
The vertical approach is to look at year level expectations and decide if students need remediation or acceleration.
The horizontal approach is to give the curriculum more breadth or more depth either through extensions of the regular curriculum or enrichment using student selected topics.
Carolyn says, “Taking the
theory of differentiation and putting it into practice in your classroom or
school, is the best way I know to raise student achievement in the 21st
Start small, but just START...the key word is start. "
Find out more at Learning Network NZ
Education in the 21st century - what does it mean?
Having just celebrated 20 years as a not-for-profit trust (see our last post), we've been reflecting on the amazing facilitators who we've worked with over the years. We thought we'd ask them to share their thoughts on what
they feel is paramount for education in the 21st century. So, our gift to you - some great condensed pearls of wisdom from some of NZ and the world's leading educationalists. We'd love to hear your reaction to these comments - and your own soundbites!
“Four words: curiosity, connectedness, creativity and
courage. With a liberal dose of each of these ingredients, a
learner is capable of just about anything.
No program, no curriculum, no set of outcomes, no resource can teach
these things; so much depends on the quality and passion of the teacher.
The 21st century needs teachers who are similarly curious,
connected, creative and courageous.” Kath Murdoch (AUS)
“Humility, empathy and risk
taking, on the part of the teacher, as we shift to a relevant 21st century
learning environment where the learners cultivate the 21st century fluencies.”
Lee Crockett (CAN)
“Explicit teaching delivered with commitment,
passion and well-researched knowledge.” Tony Ryan (AUS)
“21st century teaching and
learning must be based on a new conception of expertise, intelligence and
learning: producing and working with knowledge, not merely memorising it;
knowing how to find out, not knowing lots.” Clinton Golding (NZ)
“Expansive education: a
growing army of teachers dedicated to helping young people develop the mindsets
they will need to flourish in a tricky world - through sharing the results of
their small-scale classroom experiments”. Guy Claxton (UK)
“What's paramount for 21st
century teaching and learning is quite simple in concept and complex in
delivery. We need to once and for all remove 'secret service' teaching from our
pedagogy. Let the students into their learning; after all it's their learning!”
Gavin Grift (AUS)
“All learning should be authentic, apply
to the students’ current life and have immediate transfer. In addition, teachers and principals need a
deep understanding of the emotional brain, how it dictates our behaviour and
beliefs, and why positive relationships are essential for learning.” Mike
Scaddan (NZ)
“21st Century education would
do better to place less stress on final exams, and focus more on continual
progress; help all learners (pupils and teachers) develop a growth mindset; and
ensure that learning is challenging, inspiring and fulfilling for body, mind
and spirit.” James Nottingham (UK)
“Young people will need to have a sense of
empowerment and the ability to innovate. Developing experiences in social
entrepreneurialism where positive solutions to issues facing our world are
discussed and developed would meet this need. ” Andrew Fuller (AUS)
“We are preparing young people for an
unknown future in an uncertain world; anything less than skilful thinking and
independent learning is insufficient.” Graham Watts (UK)
“21st Century learning is about transfer;
i.e. teaching so that students can apply their learning to new and
unpredictable situations.” Jay McTighe (USA)
Kath, Tony and Lee will be presenting at our 'Cultivating the 21st Century Fluencies' Conference on 2 & 3 July. Graham Watts is touring NZ in late July/early August. James Nottingham is back in NZ in January 2013. Click on the links for more information or contact Sue: info@learningnetwork.ac.nz
A journey of twenty years ..... and counting

We don't look or feel our age, but we're celebrating a couple of milestones this month. Yesterday marked the third anniversary of moving into our gorgeous new centre, and on 26th April we're celebrating 20 years as a not-for-profit trust. We think that's quite an achievement!
For those of you who don't know our history .... we started life back in the 80s as the West Auckland Education Centre. Many years, different locations and a new name (chosen to better reflect a commitment to supporting educators throughout the country) later, we're still here. Becoming a trust was the best way to secure a sustainable future in an unpredictable world; we've evolved from small, local beginnings to being a connector of educators around NZ and the world.
We wouldn't be here without our numerous supporters: from the visionary principals in the Waitakere Area Principals’ Association who were there from the start, through to the many individuals and organisations that have worked with us over the years. Thank you!
So we're having a party! All educators are warmly invited to join the 20th anniversary celebration at the Learning Network NZ centre in Henderson, Auckland, on Thursday 26th April from 3.00 – 6.00pm. Music, refreshments, old faces and new friends. Contact Maryanne Smith to RSVP or for more information. See you there!
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